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This chapter shows you how to define and adjust the longitudinal profile and to instantly see the effects of this work on the cross sections, quantities, mass diagram and plan view.
When you select Profile from the Window menu, a window named <Control line name> Profile will appear on your screen. This window has markers on the left hand and lower edges of the window. These markers display the chainage along the lower edge and the elevation along the left hand edge, to indicate the portion of the profile currently in view.
If you have not yet created or opened a terrain model and designed a horizontal alignment you will not be able to select Profile from the Window menu. Whenever the Profile window is open, HighRoad will display the natural surface along the control line. See Chapter 3, Survey data and Chapter 4, Terrain model for information on how to create a terrain model.
Scrolling to a required position
You may have opened a terrain model and designed a horizontal alignment but the window still appears blank. This may be because the plot is off the top or bottom of the screen. You can choose Fit to window, use the vertical scroll bar or change the scale to bring it into view.
The profile can be displayed at a range of scales and vertical exaggeration. Select the horizontal scale by choosing the one you require from the View menu or by selecting Set scale... from the View menu. The current scale is shown in the View menu with a tick against it. The vertical scale is set according to the vertical exaggeration (which you can select from the View menu). When you select Vertical Exaggeration... from the View menu, a dialog box will appear. Type in the vertical exaggeration required (it must be between 1:1 and 10:1). If a scale of 1:1000 is chosen and the vertical exaggeration set at 10:1, the horizontal scale will be 1:1000 and the vertical scale 1:100. When a new scale or vertical exaggeration is selected the profile is immediately redrawn at the new scale. You can change the scales which are listed in the View menu. Choose Screen Scales... from the Edit menu The scales you select must be in the range 1:50 to 1:20000. These scales will then be displayed in the View menu and used for the display on the screen. You can also use the Zoom, Shrink and Pan commands (and short cuts) to view different parts of the profile.
Positioning IPs
Use the mouse to position and visually adjust the vertical intersection points (IPs). Enter vertical IPs in order from left to right, that is, in order of increasing chainage. To start adding new vertical IPs, choose New IP from the Profile menu. To locate the first IP, position the pointer at the approximate location required and drag. While the mouse button is down, the pointer will change to a circle (
) representing an IP marker. The location of the IP and the grade will be displayed. (If you do not want the location and/or the grade displayed, choose Hide Grades and/or Hide IP Location from the Profile menu. The wording will change to Show Grades and/or Show IP Location when the items are not displayed.)
As you drag, the location of the IP and the grade will be continually updated. Release the mouse button when the IP is in the correct position. When you add the second IP, a line showing the straight grade between the IPs is drawn and continually updated as you move the mouse. When you add the third and subsequent IP, HighRoad not only draws the straight grade to the previous IP, but also adds a vertical curve (VC) and displays its length and radius.
Inserting or deleting IPsYou can also insert and delete vertical IPs. Insert IP... and Delete IP... are available in the Profile menu when the Profile window is in front, and two or more IPs have already been added. To insert an IP find the number of the IP (by double-clicking on it) after which you wish to insert an extra IP. Choose Insert IP... and a dialog box which asks for this number will appear. The extra IP will be inserted half way between the IP you nominated and the next IP. You can then drag it to its correct location, or relocate it by double-clicking it and editing the values shown in the dialog box.
To delete an IP, choose Delete IP... The cursor will change to an X shape. Position the cursor over the IP to be deleted and click. The IP will be deleted.
Adjusting the grading
At any time after a vertical IP is added, you can adjust its position. Move the pointer to the IP you want to adjust and it will change to a four pointed arrow (
). Drag the arrow to the new location. The VCs at this IP and either side of it will be redrawn to suit the new location of the IP. HighRoad will also display the new IP position, the new VC lengths and curvature and the grades each side of the changed IP.
Fine adjustment of the grading
You can position any vertical IP precisely by specifying its chainage and elevation or by specifying the grade from the previous or next IP. To edit these values, double-click on the IP when the cursor is a four pointed arrow (
). A dialog box will appear as in Figure 8-1.
The dialog box shows the chainage and elevation of the IP, the grade from the previous IP (Grade 1) and the grade to the next IP (Grade 2). Grade 1 is not displayed for the first IP and Grade 2 is not displayed for the last IP. The IPs are numbered in order from the lowest to the highest chainage.
You can change the information in any of the fields displayed. Click on the field or use the Tab key to move to the next field. Type in the new number required. Either move to the next field, click Calculate Now or OK and new values for two of the other fields will be calculated automatically. If you change Grade 1, the elevation has to be recalculated to suit the new Grade 1 and the Grade 2 has to be recalculated to suit the new elevation. If the chainage is adjusted, the grades either side are recalculated. If the elevation is adjusted, the grades either side are recalculated. Click OK. The gradeline will be replotted to reflect the new IP location.
Setting the VC length
HighRoad will automatically set each VC length so that it is as long as possible without encroaching closer than halfway to the nearest IP. You can override the automatic selection of the VC length. Click on the VC length you wish to specify. A box will appear around the VC length selected, as in Figure 8-2.
The VC length can be locked. If you check the box marked Locked then this VC will remain at the length selected even if you move the adjacent IPs. If it is unlocked, HighRoad will dynamically select a VC length as you move the IPs. You can change the length you have specified at any time by clicking on the text displaying the VC length. If you do not require a vertical curve, set the length to zero and lock it.
Vertical curvature
The vertical curvature along a grade line is displayed as either equivalent radius (R) or K value. HighRoad is set up to initially display the equivalent radius. If you want to change the measure of vertical curvature that is displayed, choose Vertical Curvature... from the Design menu. A dialog box will appear and you can select either equivalent radius (R) or K value.
The formulae used to calculate vertical curvature are as follows:
equivalent radius
R = 100L / G
K value
K = L / G
L = length of vertical curve
G = algebraic change of grade over the length of the vertical curve
Setting the maximum grade
HighRoad allows you to specify the maximum grade that can be used when you are using the mouse to add IPs. Choose Maximum Grade... from the Profile menu. A dialog box will appear and you can specify the maximum grade required in the space provided. The grade will not exceed the maximum value specified regardless of where you move the mouse. The maximum grade is initially set at 25%, steeper than you are likely to require.
Note: The grade is calculated using the location of the pointer on the screen. You may find that the maximum grade is sometimes slightly less than the value you have specified because of the resolution of the screen.
IPs on a control line which is part of an intersection can be synchronised with connected roads. When IPs are synchronised in this way, the vertical alignment is automatically adjusted to match changes in connected roads.
For a side road, the first two IPs can be synchronised with the through road. For a kerb return, the first two and last IPs can be synchronised with both the through road and the side road. For a cul-de-sac the first two, last two and middle IPs can be synchronised with the attached road.
You can adjust a series of vertical IPs as a group. To uniformly raise part of the road by a fixed amount choose Adjust Profile IPs from the Profile menu. A dialog box will appear and you can choose to adjust the elevations or chainages of the IPs.
Automatic synchronisation of profile and plan
The chainages of vertical IPs are automatically adjusted to allow for changes in length of the road due to adjustment of horizontal alignment. When you make an adjustment to the horizontal alignment which changes the plan chainages, HighRoad will automatically adjust the vertical IPs by the same amount. This means the profile stays attached to the same part of the terrain, rather than the same chainage.
Therefore in most cases it will not be necessary for you to adjust profile IPs to allow for changes in the length of the road.
You can display a cross section at any point on the profile by dragging the pointer to the chainage at which you wish to see the cross section. As you drag the pointer, the cursor will change to a dotted vertical line and the chainage will be displayed against this line. Be sure to begin dragging from a blank space on the profile otherwise you may inadvertently pick up an IP and move it, or select a VC for editing.
When you release the mouse button, the cross section plot window will come to the front and display the cross section at the chosen chainage. If you have not designed a typical section, only the natural surface will be displayed. If you have not designed a typical section for the location requested, the nearest location for which a typical section applies will be displayed. Refer to Cross section layout, Chapter 10 for more information about how to change the appearance of the cross section displayed.
As you drag the cursor in the Profile window a line showing the location of this section will be displayed in the Plan view if it is currently visible.
In cases where it is necessary for the grade line to match a given chainage and elevation (as might occur at a railway crossing, underground obstruction, or under a bridge), HighRoad allows you to adjust the grading to pass through a target. Choose Grade to target... from the Profile menu. A dialog box will appear in which you can enter the required chainage and elevation. Click OK. The grading will be adjusted to pass through the point you entered.
HighRoad adjusts the IPs adjacent the target vertically in order to bring the grade line on to target. The amount of adjustment of each IP is proportional to its distance from the target.
To display the location of high points and low points of the profile, select Highs and Lows from the Profile menu. The location of these points will be shown by an arrow together with the chainage and elevation of the point (see Figure 8-3).
Batter limits may be displayed on the profile and used as a guide when locating the grade line. This option is useful to ensure that batters do not encroach on private property or past a given offset. Before the batter limits can be calculated and displayed on the profile, you need to add the limiting offsets to the typical sections.
The batter limits are shown on the typical sections by selecting the batter limit icon (
) from the palette of tools in the Typical Section window. (See Batter limits Chapter 7, for more details.) Once batter limits have been set up for the typical sections, the limits of control line levels can be shown on the profile. Choose Show batter limits... from the Profile menu. The batter limits will appear in the Profile window as shown in Figure 7-14.
You can show the locations of culverts on the Profile. Choose New culvert from the Profile menu and the cursor will change to a pipe icon (
). Click on the profile at the location where you want to place the culvert. A dialog box will appear allowing you to specify information about the culvert (see Figure 8-4). You can specify chainage, invert level, and the number and spacing of culvert cells.
Culverts specified in this manner will appear on the profile drawings, whether printed, plotted or exported.
Earthworks balance/full bench levels
Markers to aid in producing a balanced or full cut design can be shown on the profile. See Balanced earthworks and Full bench construction for details about these options.
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