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This chapter shows you how to calculate and edit superelevation and curve transitions based on design speed.
Superelevation calculation method
HighRoad allows you to choose different methods of calculating the maximum superelevation and the length of superelevation runout and plan transitions.
Maximum superelevation
Superelevation is used to minimise the effect of centripetal force on driver/passenger comfort and maximise the adhesion of the tyre to the road when cornering. This is done by tilting the pavement towards the centre of the curve so that centripetal forces are somewhat offset by the pavement crossfall.
Road authorities adopt various methods of calculating the amount of superelevation required to achieve comfort and cornering ability for the traffic that is travelling at design speed. Some authorities use an empirically derived table of maximum friction demand for various design speeds to choose the amount of superelevation needed. It has been found that drivers/passengers are more tolerant of higher friction demand when travelling at low speed. As the speed increases their tolerance of friction demand decreases. The acceptable values fall in a fairly narrow range, and some authorities have adopted a fixed value for friction.
HighRoad allows you to use an approriate superelevation formula and to edit the friction table if necessary. To select the formula or edit the friction table, choose Transitions... from the Window menu. Choose Superelevation... from the Transitions menu. A dialog box as shown in Figure 9-1 will appear. Choose the formula you wish to use. The formula on the left explicity includes a variable for friction demand. This is taken from the table depending on the design speed. The formula on the right allows for friction demand implicity and the friction table is not used. The new settings will be saved with the project and the last used set of friction values and formula will be saved with HighRoad.
Superelevation can be included in your road design in the following ways:
* automatically
* automatically with manual override of certain parameters
* manually by adding extra typical sections.
Automatic superelevation
Before HighRoad can automatically calculate superelevation you need to have designed a horizontal alignment, a typical section and a profile for your project. Choose Transitions... from the Window menu. Choose Options... from the Transitions menu. A window will appear as shown in Figure 9-2.
The first time this dialog box appears for a new road, the design speed is set to 60 kph, the maximum superelevation is 7% and the normal crossfall is 3%. The check boxes for the other items are blank. Change these settings as required. Make sure that the normal crossfall specified matches the crossfall you have shown in the typical sections for the travel lanes. HighRoad does not check this. Enter the design speed of the road and the maximum superelevation allowed. Click the appropriate box to apply superelevation to travel lanes. (For information about how to specify travel lanes see page 7-10.)
HighRoad will calculate the amount of superelevation and the location of superelevation transitions when you click OK. If any of the straights between the curves are too short to allow sufficient length for the superelevation transition, or the required superelevation is greater than the maximum you specify, a warning will be displayed. If you change the horizontal alignment, the superelevation will be recalculated.
Note: Although HighRoad will calculate satisfactory superelevation transitions for a given curve under most circumstances, the values calculated should be checked by an experienced road designer. This is essential to ensure that the superelevation is appropriate for the local conditions and practice. It is particularly important to check the values when HighRoad displays a warning on the screen.
Editing values for superelevation
Once the values have been calculated by HighRoad, you may alter any of the chainages or the superelevation for any curve. These values will be shown in the Transitions window (choose Transitions... from the Window menu) as shown in Figure 9-3.
The chainages or lengths can be adjusted by typing in new data or by dragging the ordinate. You can drag the ordinates when the mouse is over the line. The cursor will change to an ordinate icon (
) when over the ordinate that can be moved.
The superelevation transitions can be locked in the position you require by clicking the lock icon at the bottom of the ordinate. The cursor will change to a key icon (
) when it is in position to lock or unlock the transition ordinate. When the transition is locked, the lock icon (
) will appear at the bottom of the ordinate. When it is unlocked, the icon will appear unlocked (
Once you lock any of these values they will be fixed and not recalculated by HighRoad. Any values which are not fixed will be recalculated when the file is reopened or there is a change in :
* horizontal alignment
* design speed
* maximum superelevation.
Note: When a transition is locked, its length is locked in relation to the curve it is attached to. If the curve is changed the location of the transition will be moved to match the curve.
Superelevation values or transition lengths will appear bold (and red on a colour screen) when they are less than required for the design speed you have specified.
Note: The values calculated by HighRoad will not be rounded up or down as is the case with guidelines set down by most road authorities. You may wish to adjust the chainages shown so that they conform to the practice of the road authority under whose jurisdiction the work falls.
Manual superelevation
Superelevation can also be included in the road design by adding extra typical sections with amended crossfall. Begin by drawing the typical section for the start of the road, as shown in Figure 9-4. The chainage range is from the start chainage to the point where the superelevation starts.
The first step is to bring the outer lane up to the same crossfall (3%) as the inner lane (see Figure 9-5). The chainage range will be zero length, that is, if it occurs at chainage 125.500, specify its chainage range as 125.500 to 125.500. HighRoad will interpolate the crossfall between these two typical sections, that is, between chainages 100.000 and 125.500.
The next step is to change the crossfall over the full width of the travel lanes until full superelevation (6%) is achieved (see Figure 9-6). From this point (chainage 172.000), the shape of the typical section remains constant until the end of the curve (chainage 275.000) where the superelevation begins to change back to normal crossfall. HighRoad will interpolate between typical sections.
A curve inserted to link the straight or tangent section of a road with the circular arc is known as a plan transition curve. Its radius reduces from infinity at the end of the straight to that of the circular arc at the beginning of the arc. Forms of curve which approximate these requirements include the cubic parabola, the lemniscate, and the clothoid (alternatively referred to as the Euler spiral or Cornu spiral). HighRoad uses the cubic parabola or the clothoid to calculate plan transition curves.
Cubic parabola or clothoid
You can choose whether to use the clothoid or cubic parabola form of transition. There is little practical difference between a clothoid or cubic parabola. However in HighRoad there is a difference in how the cross sections and other data is presented. Choose Preferences... from the Edit menu to choose to use either the cubic parabola or the clothoid for plan transition curves.
Note: It is recommended that you select the preferred transition curve when you start work on the project. Changing the type of curve used in the design may produce unexpected results.
The cubic parabola was most often used for manual calculation of transition curves. Since the advent of computers, clothoid spirals have come into more common use. Clothoid spirals are mathematically more complex and tedious to calculate by hand.
HighRoad uses cubic parabola transitions in a similar manner to a manual implementation of cubic parabola transitions. That is, the nominal road centre line is made up of straights and circular arcs only. This centre line would be pegged in the field. The true road centre line would deviate from this line around the curves. Cross sections around the curves show a shift or offset from the nominal centre line to the true centre line. The shift varies from zero at the start of the plan transition to a maximum at the end of the transition where it meets the circular arc. HighRoad will calculate the start and end points of the plan transition and also an appropriate value for the shift. Chainages are measured along the nominal centre line along straights and circular arcs. The curved sections of such a road are easy to peg in the field because all the pegs are on a circular arc.
When clothoid spirals are used there is only one centre line the true centre line. This follows straights, spirals and circular arcs. Chainage is measured along this line. Because the control line follows the path of road centre line, there is no shift shown for cross sections on curves. The setting out information that HighRoad provides is on the true road centre line.
The actual location of the road will be very similar whichever method is used. It is a matter of personal preference which method you choose, having due regard to the intended method of setting out in the field.
Calculating plan transitions
Before HighRoad can automatically calculate a plan transition for each curve you need to have created a horizontal alignment, a typical section and a profile. HighRoad also requires the design speed of the road and the maximum superelevation allowed. Choose Transitions... from the Window menu. Choose Options... from the Transitions menu. A dialog box will appear as shown in Figure 9-7.
The first time this dialog box appears for a new road, the design speed is set to 60 kph, the maximum superelevation is 7% and the normal crossfall is 3%. The check boxes for the other items are blank. Change these settings as required. Type in the design speed of the road, the maximum superelevation allowed and the normal crossfall. Click the appropriate box to apply curve transitions. HighRoad will calculate the required superelevation, the required shift and the appropriate transition length when you display the plan view or a cross section. If any of the straights between the curves are too short to allow sufficient length for the plan transition, or the curve radius is too small and friction demand is excessive, a warning will be displayed.
Note: Although HighRoad will calculate a satisfactory transition location and shift for a given curve under most circumstances, the values calculated should be checked by an experienced road designer. This is essential to ensure that the transition curve is appropriate for the local conditions and practice. It is particularly important to check the values when HighRoad displays a warning on the screen.
Nominating values for curve transitions
Once the values have been calculated by HighRoad, you may alter any of the chainages, the shift or the superelevation for any curve. These values will be shown in the Transitions window (choose Transitions... from the Window menu) as shown in Figure 9-8.
You can set the chainages for the start and finish of the spiral and the start and finish of the circular arc on shift. The chainages or lengths can be adjusted by typing in new data or by dragging the ordinate. You can drag the ordinates when the mouse is over the line. The cursor will change to an ordinate icon (
) when over the ordinate that can be moved. The plan transitions can be locked in the position you require by clicking the lock icon at the bottom of the ordinate. The cursor will change to a key icon (
) when it is in position to lock or unlock the transition ordinate. When the transition is locked, the lock icon (
) will appear at the bottom of the ordinate. When it is unlocked, the icon will appear unlocked (
). Once you lock any of these values they will be fixed and not recalculated by HighRoad. Any values which are not fixed will be recalculated when the file is reopened or there is a change in :
* horizontal alignment
* design speed
* maximum superelevation.
Note: It is recommended that you select the preferred transition curve when you start work on the project. Changing the type of curve used in the design may produce unexpected results.
The length of transition will appear bold (and red on a colour screen) if it is below standard for the design speed you have specified.
Note: The values calculated by HighRoad will not be rounded up or down as is the case with guidelines set down by most road authorities. You may wish to adjust the chainages shown so that it conforms to the practice of the road authority under whose jurisdiction the work falls.
Cubic parabola effect on cross sections
If a plan transition of greater than 250 mm is included, the typical section will be shifted to the left or right of the pegged centre line. If the maximum shift is less than 250 mm the shift is not applied at all. An example of a cross section with a superelevation and shift applied is shown in Figure 9-9. In this example the shift is 533 mm to the right. Superelevation has been applied to the travel lanes.
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